Bean Alliance

Looking for work? Jobs Victoria is connecting people who need extra support to find work with secure jobs in sectors that need workers. Our earn and learn programs provide opportunities for priority jobseekers including:

  • women aged 45 years and over
  • people who are long-term unemployed or at risk of long-term unemployment
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
  • people with disability
  • people seeking asylum, and refugees
  • newly arrived migrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds
  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who face additional barriers to employment
  • young people aged 18 to 25
  • single parents
  • veterans.

We offer 12 months of secure work with training and other support to help you succeed, such as individual mentoring or workplace buddies. Some opportunities include paid study and a free qualification. We have many earn and learn programs currently running across a range of sectors.

These jobs are part of Jobs Victoria’s earn and learn initiatives that provide secure jobs for priority groups of jobseekers.

Agriculture, energy and environment

We have rewarding job and training opportunities in horticulture, renewable energy and more. These roles offer paid training and may be indoors or outdoors.

Health, education and community services

Many roles offer paid training and the opportunity to achieve an industry qualification in areas such as aged care, disability support, health services and dental.

Manufacturing and engineering

Jobs opportunities include production welder, machine operator, process worker, factory hand, metal fabricator, quality control officer, vehicle assembler and many more. Many roles offer paid training, apprenticeship pathways and workplace mentoring.

Transport and logistics

The transport and logistics sectors offer diverse career paths. You could work as a forklift driver, warehouse loader, heavy vehicle driver or pick packer. Many roles offer paid training and the opportunity to achieve relevant licenses.